Discussion: “‘The News’: Rumor or Propaganda

Anth 475 (R) Anthropology of Conspiracy Theory

Read and watch from one of the following selections on either “Rumor” or “Propaganda.”

1. Rumor


  • Silverstein, P.A. (2002). An Excess of Truth: Violence, Conspiracy Theorizing and the Algerian Civil War. Anthropological Quarterly 75(4): 643-674.


  • Bubandt, N. (2008). Rumors, Pamphlets, and the Politics of Paranoia in Indonesia. The Journal of Asian Studies 67(3): 789-817.

2. Propaganda


  • Orwell, G. (1968). “Politics and the English language.” In The collected essays, journalism and letters of George Orwell, Vol. 4, eds. S. Orwell and I. Angos, Pp. 127-140. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Javanovich.


  • Al Jazeera. (2017, Mar. 2). “Noam Chomsky – The 5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine.” Al Jazeera English.

  • PBS Idea Channel (2016, Jul. 20). “But Wait: How DOES The Media Tell You What To Think?” PBS Idea Channel.

You may visit the supplementary material on “‘News’: Rumor, or Propaganda” covered in the lecture. It is not required.

Supplement: “The News”: Rumor or Propaganda

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